1) It make you end up with photos that are too bright and shadow that are too dark
2) The golden hours for sunlight are two hours after sunrise and two hours before sunset.
3) Light is directional and that provides interesting side light that can emphasize shape and texture, in addition to casting long, interesting shadows of your subjects. 2) Light has a more warmer and more attractive color than midday sun (Golden Hours). 3) Light quality is softer and produces highlights and shadows that your camera can deal with more easily than the extremely contrasty light produced by the high midday sun.
4) Black and diffuse the evening sun.
5) The different between this too photo is that one of the them was taken when the clouds cover the sun and the next was taken when the sun wasn't cover so the one with the shadow would be more interesting because of the reflection of the sun threw the trees.
1) Because it help you to know what people are looking for and it also help you to know what your art are missing what people are looking for in a photo.
2) Because it can always give you that creative boost your looking for.
3) Because its lie your training your self to be better and you will have experience.
4) Because you will over do things if you think that way.
5) The golden ratio is to believe to make things appealing to the human eyes.
6) Because it can help you to create image that attract viewers attention.
7) Inspiration is when you want someone to tell you how to do something or push you to do it and Creativity is when you create your own things without anyone inspiring you but yourself.